the bag is finish
I finish the bag, I am am truly proud on it. I like that color and the pattern also!
I did not yet sew the coating, I think I put the black coating and the black button also.
Now on the needles is something I still don't know what, if I have a plenty yarn this
would be a scarf, if a I haven't a plenty yarn this would be a fillet.
Look the snow in Slavonija , isn't that beautiful?
Torba je gotova, moram priznati da sam zadovoljna kako je ispala! Moram ju još podstaviti, stavit ću crnu podstavu i crne gumbove!
trenutno na iglama imam šal, barem mislim da će biti šal ako budem imala dosta vune, u protivnim će biti traka za kosu, malo šira!
I jedna slika slavonskog snjega!
I kod mene je vani sve lijepo i bijelo...
super je torba!